Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Blood AND oil? That's just greedy!

There Will Be Blood

Trailer Here

"You know what kids love more than porn stars? Oil barons!"

Directed by: Paul Thomas Anderson
Starring: Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Ciaran Hinds

Wow. Seriously, this is almost a fucking PSA on how not to make a movie trailer. I mean lets be clear – I think the movie will be great. I love PT Anderson, I love Danny Day-Lo and I love sprawling epics about the venal nature of the human condition. But this fucking trailer is snooze fest central. It didn't help that the name of the film is the tag line for the Saw movies, so I actually thought I'd be watching a trailer for the latest tale of Jigsaw and his death by Rube Goldberg Machine obsessions. Instead it's turn of the century Day-Lo droning on about oil... and family... and oil... and then there's an explosion just to see if you're awake... then droning... Honestly, as a friend of mine said, this looks more like a collection of dailies that someone set to very, very boring music than a finished trailer. And given that the scuttlebutt on the filmic streets is that this fucker is awesome and probably a shoe-in for Paul taking home the Little Gold Man With No Genitals, I really hope someone gives this a spit and a polish before it makes it to the Australian cinemas.

HIT PREDICTION:It's going to be a surprise hit – but only surprising because everyone slept through the trailer and forgot they'd heard about the film